Construction Playbook Information
In recent webinars, the SZC Supply Chain has mentioned the Government’s New Construction Playbook which presents a sensible example of contemporary construction initiatives. Understanding these initiatives and adhering to the basic tenets, is a good way of future proofing companies for infrastructure projects, especially where government contracts are available.
The Playbook details how government and industry can better work together to deliver public sector works in a more modern and efficient way, with an emphasis on working to ensure that SMEs have an opportunity to maximise involvement. It also outlines green initiatives for the construction industry to minimise greenhouse gas emissions of projects. The new guidance has been developed in consultation with senior players in the UK construction industry.
The Construction Playbook captures commercial best practices and specific sector reforms outlining the government’s expectations of how contracting authorities and suppliers, including the supply chain, should engage with each other.
These are set out in 14 key policies for how the government should assess, procure and deliver public works projects and programmes which all central government departments and their arms-length bodies are expected to follow on a ‘comply or explain’ basis.